Bills Tailgating: A Rite of Passage
ethan stockman ethan stockman

Bills Tailgating: A Rite of Passage

Eight Sundays a year, a small Western New York town called Orchard Park is transformed into an international destination attracting football fans from all over the world. Starting roughly 24 hours before kickoff, cars, trucks, RV’s and buses migrate down New York’s I-90 into the quiet town, injecting Orchard Park with shot of energy rarely paralleled anywhere else in the world

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Urban Stadiums: The Death of Tailgating
ethan stockman ethan stockman

Urban Stadiums: The Death of Tailgating

While it may sound nice to city planners and officials, I can assure you that a centralized, downtown stadium is a fan’s worst nightmare. Football and tailgating go together like peanut butter and jelly, and a downtown stadium removes the tailgating aspect from the game all together

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